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Top 10 Websites for Escondido Seniors in 2019

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Do you spend more time online than your grandchildren? Do you love browsing the internet on your phone? You’re in good company. Today’s seniors are more active online—and on their smartphones—than ever before.

According to Pew Research, 67 percent of baby boomers and 30 percent of seniors ages 73 to 90 own a smartphone and more than half of baby boomers say they own a tablet computer. And, if you’re like the majority of seniors, according to Pew, then you’re probably busy on social media, which is only growing in popularity with seniors.

Whether you prefer to explore the web from your iPhone or tablet, from the comfort of home or while in your favorite coffee shop, we’ve got 10 senior website recommendations that can help you stay engaged and up to date on the world around you in Escondido, California. 

1. AARP: Escondido Senior Insights and Discounts

Most seniors have at least heard of—or gotten a piece of mail from—the nonprofit organization AARP. But what you may not know is that AARP’s Escondido website is brimming with articles, events and more. 

Read up on everything from travel tips and health advice to guides for fraud prevention and managing Alzheimer’s disease to how you can volunteer in San Diego and more. You can also explore the site to learn more about AARP’s benefits and discounts on health and wellness, travel and more. 


2. San Diego Oasis: Classes for the Brain and Body

If you want to brush up on your technology skills or Zumba skills, San Diego Oasis’ website offers senior living tips, resources, and information on its more than 2,500 programs and classes on topics such as using Google, mastering Skype, getting the most out of Alexa and more. San Diego Oasis also offers a senior technology fair, travel opportunities, and—if you’re a seasoned technology pro—you can sign up to teach a class or volunteer too. 


3. Suddenly Senior: Nostalgia and Laughs

With more than 4,000 pages of humor, quizzes, stories and more for adults ages 50 and older who don’t feel old, Suddenly Senior is a rabbit hole you can happily fall down. With articles such as “When Drugstores Were Drugstores” and “When Wild Oats Turn Into Prunes and All Bran,” you can chuckle at senior trivia, knee-slapping nostalgia and joke-packed forums.


4. Go Overseas: Travel and Volunteerism

If you’re someone who loves to give back through volunteering, Go Overseas offers tons of resources and opportunities for older adults who are passionate about helping others. Travel to South America or Central America, Africa, Asia and other global locations and let your compassion and volunteer spirit shine. 

Additionally, did you know that the Peace Corps has no age limit on volunteers? In fact, it has a whole page about opportunities for senior volunteers. 


5. Investopedia: Encyclopedia-Style Financial Insights

Investopedia is an amazing, encyclopedic resource for seasoned senior investors and coupon-clippers alike. Investopedia helps explain complex concepts and offers resources for retirees on how to improve your financial know-how and manage money to maximize your investments.


6. The Balance: Making Money Personal

If you’re looking for some more down-to-earth financial tips and tricks—not to mention plenty of freebies—check out Investopedia’s sister site, The Balance, for articles such as “Why More Seniors Should Get Into the Travel Rewards Game” and “How to Choose the Best Bank Accounts for Seniors.”


7. Sixty and Me: Lifestyle Site for Women 60+

Sixty and Me is a community of a half-million women ages 60 and older, and the website features videos, articles, expert interviews, news, offers and more. The website features every topic imaginable, from makeup and fashion to dating and marriage to health and wellness and beyond, making it a perfect resource for Escondido seniors. 


8. Baby Boomers: Mind-Opening Articles and Resources is an excellent website for boomers who want to keep their minds open and active with current information on entertainment, healthy living, money, relationships, technology, travel and more. The site also features a whole section with inspirational, nostalgic and motivational articles to feed your soul. 


9. Reddit: Global Forum for Building Connections

Although only 1 percent of seniors report being active on Reddit, this easy-to-use forum has conversations happening 24/7/365 on every topic imaginable and is a fun place for older adults to connect and engage with people of all ages around the world. Whether you want to feel nostalgic about the way things were or you’re passionate about classic cars, cooking, coffee, history or where you live, there’s a subreddit waiting for you.


10. Facebook: Gather with Friends and Family

Would you believe that 46 percent of older adults are on Facebook? If you’re not among them, then now’s the time to join your friends and family on Facebook to share thoughts, photos, videos and more. To get started, watch a tutorial video to make the most of your Facebook experience. 

Then, join some Facebook Groups, which are growing in popularity every day. It’s easy to find a group on any topic that you may be passionate about or interested in. Or, spend time following Facebook pages for businesses, brands and organizations in Escondido that you love, such as the San Diego Senior Games


If you’re filling up your browser with tabs for all of these outstanding websites for seniors, make sure you make room for just one more: Redwood Terrace in Escondido. Browse our useful articles to learn about the benefits of senior living, paying for a senior living community and so much more.

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